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Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 12:17 am
Beautiful Whiskey mac & Century you are enjoying the fragrance of these beauties specially the very fragrant Century II.I am waiting for my roses to bloom.

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 16th, 2013, 12:44 am
by KBW
Umar bhai
Thanks for your comments. Yes these are very fragrent roses, specially the pink Century II. But I like the colour of Whiskey mac. These were planted by my Mali last year and I was not involved in selection also. Seems he has a good taste. I got quite late in planting the roses that I selected from a good rose grower in Pattoki. They all looked beautiful but I fear they might flower sparingly this spring as they have been planted just 20 days back. I have given them a doze of disulphide though. :?

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 1:36 am
by KBW
These Gerberas seem to be doing well in the dappled shade under a Phoenix rupicola.... I had carried out levelling of lawn as per my desire. Grass seems to be coming up well after I gave it a dose of disulphide. Hope it gets better in next 10 to 15 days.

This Archontophoenix alexandrae is still not dense enough to provide good dappled shade. Gerberas are growing well at the moment but I hope they are not affected much during May and June when it gets really hot in Okara.

I hope in a year or so, this Caryota mitis forms a gorgeous looking smallish clump. Would love to see that....

My annuals are not doing great as they have been planted very late. Try to give them few extra injections.... lets see :(

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 1:10 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Great landscape. Please describe your garden ......for our interest

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 8:12 pm
by aykhan
Such beautiful gerberas Excellent collection indeed. I love the roses as well. I could be wrog but I think you're roses might be getting a spider mite attack, maybe it's just the way the picture is or maybe I myself am so scared of their devastation on my roses. Just watch out. Thanks for sharing. I really love the "bizarre" blooms you talked about, anything unique in flowering plants really gets me excited :)

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 10:01 pm
by rafique
Palms are really enhancing the beauty of landscape. How are your newly planted roses performing?

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 21st, 2013, 11:17 pm
one day i saw this Ropicola palms in blue area & i fell in love with it.its so beautiful.i planted two in my garden.your garden is so have a beautiful dog.its not a pets forum but let me tell you dear i am crazy for dogs.which one is it.the picture is not clear.i love K9.

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 1:38 am
by KBW
Thanks a lot for your kind comments.

There is a lawn in the front and on sides and than there is a vegetable and fruit garden on sides and rear of the house. I have tried to do some landscaping in the front lawn and done some plantation too. Before this, the lawn was left at the mercy of mali who developed it the way he felt like since the last few years. To say the least, it was not impressive. I will describe it in more detail, with pics, when I get back home. Right now, I am out of city. Thanks for the interest.

You are right about the mites but they have been taken care of. I had a insecticide spray on my roses and dahlias a few days back and now they are ok. Thanks for pointing out.

New planted roses are doing well but the plants are not very healthy and robust yet. I can't complain as they have been planted just a month back. I am expecting some of them to bloom in next few days. Let's see...

Phoenix rupicola is a very majestic plant and very hardy too. It's fascinating to see the leaves weaving in light breeze, early in the morning. When I leave for morning walk, I stop infront of it for a while, ask his well being and see the leaves weaving majestically in the morning breeze. A great sight. BTW, it may sound very stupid but I am in habbit of talking to my plants, on daily basis. It's a years old habbit. Looks funny but this is how it is. :)

As for the dog, it is a Pointer. His father is a very fine English and his mother is a Kohati. Both have reputation of being outstanding hunting dogs and belong to my hunter friends. Instead of getting a pure English, I preferred a cross with Kohati. Pure English Pointers do not do very well in hot areas, as per my experience though they have outstanding sense of smelling. This dog is around a year old and is doing very well in the field. He points and retrieves, even from the water. Yes.... he swims into deep water and retrieves a duck or a snipe or a Coot for me or searches in the bush and retrieves the partridge. I have a Labrador too which is doing well as a retriever and has started doing some pointing too, though not properly. I think instead of boring others with gun dog tales, I should open a new thread in the concerned section. :mrgreen:


Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 5:50 pm
by KBW
A little update on the progress. The main area containing most of the seasonal flowers and roses is not doing well. In this area, I had not replaced the top soil. I should have done that as it is difficult to improve the higly alkaline soil of Okara. I realised it after a few days but didn't want to disturb the annuals. Would do it once the annuals have flowered (in whatever weak form). :(

In remaining areas, specially those containing Gerberas and Palms, I had replaced 18-24 inches of soil with my own media formula which is 50:50 leaf mould &bhal plus some gypsem.

Potted plants are doing well.


Dwarf Aquilegias are doing well. Few plants have buds and I am expecting them to flower in a day or two. :)

Camapanulas are growing great but no flowers yet. Hoping to see them blooming :)

This was the dirty conrner. With a tap around, it was always wet and messy. A Monstera deliciosa was already there climbing the tree trunk. Planted few dwarf Canna indica and a Ficus primula along the tree trunk (just visible in the pic). Two Colocasia gigantea have been planted at the back of the tree, hiding them from direct sunlight. I expect Cannas to muliply quickly filling the area with their stunning green and yellow folliage and orange flowers. Ficus primula will climb up the tree and break the shape of tree trunk. Colocasia leaves will peap from behind the tree. Hope to see that in next two months. Have given them a dose of disulphide already.

Re: Plant Lover Reborn!!

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 6:04 pm
by Farhan Ahmed
Good to see campanula and aqueligia...keep updating